This school, in collaboration with the University of Glasgow, conserves 667 lt of water every day!
The question to be asked is why haven’t this year seen any fairness towards the education sector? It is time we start talking about teachers in...
UNICEF, in an effort to help children keep learning in Nuevo San Rafael, a rural community in Peru, has sent big loudspeakers that broadcast the learning...
Explain highly complicated yet significant issues related to wildlife including natural habitats, food chain, adaptability, etc.
Dr. Van Der Meer’s research shows how taking hand-written notes in a classroom can result in a child’s nervous system development
A graphic artist from Goa is actively teaching children how to draw wildlife on Instagram.
Pre-primary/primary school teachers, this book is a boon to you and the parents of your beloved students.
AIM of Niti Aayog came up with a brilliant solution at the beginning of the lockdown this dreadful year, Tinker From Home. While the schools were...
A recent study done in Finland suggests that a conflicted relationship between teacher and student in kindergarten can bring low interest in literacy and math.
How a school in New York is using a puppet named ‘Chef Hugo’ to explain social distancing & mask habits to kids.
Take the example of this school in Mexia, Texas, that holds a drive every year to raise money for local animal shelters.
First Thursday of November is recognised as the International Day Against Violence & Bullying at School Including Cyberbullying by UNESCO
An educational collaboration from 2012 that started with 27 tribal kids of Kerala now hosts 180 children of 36 villages in India.
Shivraj Sanmani, a teacher from Karnataka, is being appreciated widely for his efforts to digitalise his primary classroom’s content in Kannad for his students
Let’s learn some cool DIY lessons!
Twitter is flooding with happy pictures of school reopening from all over the world. Have a look!
The need for an integrated approach has been accelerated by the rapid uptake of digital education during the COVID-19 pandemic - Cambridge University
The main idea behind conducting any teacher-training course should be to support the new recruits as well as thrive alongside the foregoing staff and help them...
These 3 teachers are the reason their students are enjoying quality education without facing any inequity.
"EdBank’s inception shows that the Indian education sector is open to learning when given a good opportunity. It also proves that our teachers do not and...
Meet Than Singh who's earnestly working for the bright future of the slum kids.
Charles Krohn from Minnesota is trending on social media for being the quickest cookie in learning everything about online classes and teaching with a passion
We’re talking about the Founder of Zoho Corporation in Silicon Valley.
For improving school education, the cabinet approves the project 'Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States' (STARS).
It's time every student becomes self-reliant in mathematics.