Anjum Babukhan, the director of Glendale Academy, writes about the Thinking Culture that needs to be developed in schools going forward to post-COVID times
Suresh Gothwal is a happy artist who didn’t let his dignity shake even after losing his teaching job and going penniless.
Villages of Bihar and Assam are using barter system for keeping learning going on for their children
It’s the story of Satyam Mishra, a Math teacher from Pune, who’s teaching his students in India and beyond the meaning of unity
Schools in India are getting ready to reopen, what will they look like post-COVID lockdown? Here’s our webinar exploring the Future of Learning Spaces - the...
Its time to watch a sports movie, Coach Carter, starring none other than Samuel L. Jackson
Sanjeev Bagul and his team of teachers visit their students each day to keep the education going on while the schools are closed
On this International Literacy Day, a principal’s take on education, its meaning and the right kind to be imparted
Kesavan A, 28, and Siva Sakthi S, 30, are the only teaching staff for the Orali tribal children in a remote rural area of Karnataka
Enhancing the Outreach of Atal Tinkering Labs’ Student Innovations in Digital Media by partnering with ScooNews
Videos that are released in honour of teachers who are working so hard to provide the best learning opportunities to their students
An alternative way of teaching, hybrid-learning
Vedika Lall of ‘School Ki Ghanti’ opened up about the behind-scenes of storytelling pedagogy of their initiative
Signal Shala or Signal School is an attempt by a non-profit called Samarth Bharat Vyaspith in Maharashtra to educate and bring children out of poverty
This Guide is a part of a global campaign to be launched in September beginning to ensure all girls can continue to learn during and after the COVID-19...
Dheekshitha is called the ‘Auto Rickshaw teacher’ as she takes online classes while sitting in her father’s auto-rickshaw
Kindergarten teacher decorated her 1st-grade classroom desks as trucks for the ‘social distancing and yet having some fun’ scenario
Aijaz Sheikh, an educator from the northern parts of Kashmir, built a website while bearing bad network connectivity
It means inculcating a culture of mental health conversations, practices and interventions into the lesson plans.
A teacher from Pewaukee, Wisconsin, builds an outdoor classroom in the school spacious campus for reopening
Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank informed about the audio books via Twitter
A team at IIT Kharagpur revolutionised online education by developing DEEKSHAK, a low-bandwidth software
While the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) had been introduced in 2013, it needs the much greater impetus to ensure that the skills of our students...
"It means so much. I'm filled with joy to be their teacher."
The recently announced National Education Policy tries to address this issue and heralds a new approach to education. Most importantly it has equity as one of...