Lockdown or not, these teachers-student movies are worth watching.
From world’s richest man to celebrated film fraternity, here’s what these famous personalities have to say about their teachers.
These highest-rated preschool applications are used by teachers globally
There are certain non-negotiable facts such as safeguarding & background checks and accurate job descriptions, but apart from these, how you recruit is dependent on your...
MHRD has ensured safe shifting of stranded students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
Here are a few highly recommended books for educators that dive into the world of teaching deeper and give a new perspective to the reader.
Union HRD Minister releases three handbooks prepared by CBSE on Cybersecurity for students
Students have been given assignments exploring local art and at-home fancy-dress competition.
An opinion article that redefines education as we know it
Art Dye has been hired as a head high school varsity boys basketball coach for the first time at the age of 73.
A brilliant approach to a global issue, St. Charles Catholic School, New Mexico, came through with their art show
Byck Elementary School teachers collect ‘Bags of Hope’ for students
The kids and teachers talked, shared their lockdown experiences and watched YouTube videos on tension and weight as the kids snuggled under the fort built using...
Government of Punjab has announced the broadcast of government school curriculum on Doordarshan channel
Union Finance Minister announces several initiatives to boost the education sector
MHRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriayl announced well-awaited dates for the remaining board examinations
It’s quite catchy!
A list of apps suggested for preschool teachers to use while e-teaching
An opinion article that talks about focusing on the important and vividly clear points in life in these unprecedented times
An opinion article on how to avoid choosing any wrong online certification course while the schools are closed.
These teachers are leaving no stone unturned for their students’ education.
MHRD to regularize retrospection of teacher education programs by the central & state government
CBSE clarified that art will be used as a tool for both teaching and learning.
Union HRD Minister e-Launches seven titles on "Psycho-Social Impact of Pandemic & Lockdown and How to Cope With," Under the corona studies series, NBT India
Read more about Rashima Vaid Varma who is chosen as the Principal of The Prometheus Secondary School