Time has changed. In just two decades, the metaverse has taken a new birth.
Children have an extraordinary capacity to innovate. We have to ensure that we encourage their creativity and acknowledge their multiple levels of intelligence.
The positive aftermath of playing games and physical activities shows in their academic performance
The metaverse in education can be regarded as an educational environment enhanced by metaverse-related technologies which fuse with the elements of the virtual and the real...
Distance learning tools, and resources are essential for anyone looking to pursue education and training remotely
Threats have become the new battleground for Principals to tackle, in addition to the scores of other challenges he/she faces
Critical thinking is more essential than ever today because of the prevalence of false news and disinformation
Education is a tool that fosters equality and promotes and strengthens the constitutional culture
Every child is naturally motivated to learn. There is diversity in the way children learn.
Creativity and imagination multiply when children are taught in the vicinity of nature.
Success in school, in a career, and in one's own personal development all depends on one's ability to think critically.
Remember, acceptance and a sense of belonging are quintessential to a child's emotional equilibrium.
It is the need of the hour to make a paradigm shift from grades to gains.
Having knowledge is only the beginning; using it successfully and innovating in novel and exciting ways depends on one's capacity for analysis and questioning.
“Every child deserves an education that guarantees the safety to learn in the comfort of one’s own skin.”-Dena Simmons
By investing in mental health, schools can help students and teachers to reach their full potential and achieve academic and personal success.
It is important for teachers to be aware of the potential for information overload and to take steps to reduce it.
By providing students with the opportunity to work on projects that they are passionate about, they are more likely to be invested in the learning process.
Creating a Unified Approach for Effective Learning and Development
The traditional classroom model, where students listen to lectures, complete homework and take exams, is rapidly being replaced by a new approach, the Flipped Classroom. In...
One of the primary issues with the traditional grading system is that it fails to capture the unique strengths and weaknesses of each student
Transgender students, who identify as a gender that differs from the one assigned to them at birth, often face unique challenges and barriers in schools.
By leveraging this technology, students can broaden their knowledge.
It is important to note that declaring private schools as profit making businesses would not mean that they will stop providing quality education.
It provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being.